lauantai 29. lokakuuta 2011


Rakastakaa Vettä.
Olemme Vettä.

Alla olevien kuuntelu auttaa energisoimaan kehossa olevan veden.
Solfeggio 174 HZ - 1122 HZ.

                                           Read this before you listen to the Solfeggio frequencies!

1. When listening for the first time, I would advice you to lie down and get to the most comfortable state and switch on the track…or get to the most relaxed position on your chair before you start.
2. Keep the volume at the maximum possible that you could handle.
3. You could feel a pounding sensation at the back of the head starting from the top of the neck to gradually ending at the brow by the time the audio finishes.
4. You “might” feel nauseated after you finish listening to the audio and may also have a head ache and pounding for sometime later as you’re basically experiencing new Neural pathways being created between both halves of the brain. As this pounding and headache reduces in a little while you’ll feel better / fresher that you have ever felt before..Enjoy this feeling! your ascension process has started.
5. First timers should listen to this before taking a nap or going to bed in the night as the after effects of headaches and the rest are not felt during sleep and you wake up renewed.
6. DO NOT TAKE ANY MEDICINE FOR YOUR HEADACHES… this is very very important. You need to understand that the discomfort of headache and nausea is due to the natural healing process going on and nothing other than that.
7. You would normally sleep for 12 to 16 hours during the healing process till your body is totally healed. You would feel a little tired during the healing but you should be done with the process in about 5 to 6 weeks.
8. If anyone feels numbness in the head and feel very lost and extremely tired immediately after listening to this, they should get outside and take deep breaths. You’ll feel very very refreshed within no time!
9. Drink lots of water as your body would be discarding most of the toxins built up over time and you need to get as much protein as your body asks for.
10. Listen to the audio till the day you don’t feel the after effects any more after you’re done, as this is an indication that you have received the push needed for ascension and your body and mind would take care till you reach your maximum potential you are meant to.
11. Most of your chakras would be activated during the healing process… Including increased telepathic, clairvoyant and healing abilities(If you would feel a tingling and more than usual warmth in the center of your left palm if you are right handed and the other way round if you are left handed, you need to know that you have the ability to cure the 3-dimensional ailments or diseases of others)… there would be so many new things you would discover about your new abilities!! what I mention here are just a fraction of the whole.
12. DO NOT at any cost abuse these abilities as they are meant to help and to be shared with others and not for personal gain

2 kommenttia:

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

osaatko sanoa kuinka edetä näiden videoiden kuuntelussa. Ja kiitoksia Sinulle blogistasi se on ollut tärkeä osa henkisessä kasvamisessani. Kiittäen Tuija

Harri kirjoitti...

Moi ja Kiitos Sinulle :)

Kuuntele Chakrojasi.
Ja että kehossa nesteen kiertonopeus on 150 litraa vuorokaudessa.
Vesi välittää myös informaatiota kehossamme valoa nopeammin, joten kysymys ei ole pelkästään meidän fyysisestä kehostamme, vaan Kvanttisuudesta eli moniulotteisuudesta.
Oikea vastaus kysymykseesi voisi olla että ei missään järjestyksessä, koska moniulotteisessa itsessämme ei ole alkua eikä loppua.

Mikä tuntuu juuri silloin hyvältä.
Siten itse toimin.

t. Harri